
Showing posts from 2010

OTC Deficiency - A Genetic Abnormality

My husband likes to tease and tell people that I'm a mutant.  It's not really wrong.  It's true!  I'm missing an enzyme that tells the body how to metabolize (use) protein properly.  There's a name for what I have.  Don't worry, I don't expect you to remember it.  It's Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency, typically denoted as OTC Deficiency.  If you really want to remember it, just think OTC - Over The Counter.  If you watch House, you might have heard of it.  In the very first season, one of the characters had OTC Deficiency.  I didn't see it, but apparently it had to do with a man who got sick, his brother snuck a steak into the hospital for him to eat, and then he got much more sick! I've known about this since I was 4.  I have this lovely family memory of going to Ponderosa (does Ponderosa exist anymore?) and getting to eat jello while none of the adults cared what the kids ate.  It was nearly the whole family on my m...

Your Child's Personality

Have you ever done a personality test? To see what your personality characteristics are? Admittedly, there a lot of really hokey ones out there that i wouldn't recommend other than for a laugh. But I have found that the Myers-Briggs testing runs true. Myers & Briggs were a mother and daughter pair born in the late 1800's who were spent nearly their entire lives putting together their theories on personality types, which were based originally off of Jung. Divided into 16 categories, some more rare than others, I have found that this test rings true! Do you know what category you fall into? I am an "ENTP". Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving My husband is an "INTJ". Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. I was interested in knowing what my daughter might be. She is 8. I found a site, where parents can answer questions, and find out. Here's the link . They don't tell you what the third of the fourth characteristics is, becau...