Liver Transplant Donor Application Update
I have some important news to share. All blood types can now apply to be a living liver donor towards our baby. Previously only B or O could apply, and they are now opening it up to A and AB donors. Positive/negative blood type does not matter. This is called "ABO incompatible matching", and is not typically done. Toronto has done it with adults, but never with children. When we met with the transplant team a couple of weeks ago, they had mentioned that they were going to add in the possibility of using ABO incompatible livers from cadavers if they came in to bring up the odds of finding a liver. This is only done in rare cases. Our next question to them automatically became, "If you are willing to do that, what about incompatible blood type living donors?" They mentioned that they had not done this at Sick Kids before, but would talk it over with the living donor co-ordinators at Toronto General as well as the main surgeon (who was in s...