Baby's Blood Type is B!!
We've been waiting prenatally to see what baby's blood type is in order to be able to plan a bit ahead for the needed liver transplant. Baby's blood type is B!! You might ask why I'm excited to hear this. We knew that the blood type would be either O or B, based on the blood types of myself and my husband. It was a 50/50 chance either way. Here are the statistics on why this is good news. (The +/- factor has no influence on liver donations, and the lab report didn't specify +/- anyway.) In Canada, 46% of the population have an O blood type (39% O+, 7% O-). In Canada, 9% of the population have a B blood type (7.6% B+, 1.4% B-). Being B, he can receive a liver from someone who is either O, or B blood types. It slightly raises the number of potential people that he can receive a liver from than if he was O, since O can only receive a liver from another O. From the opposite perpective, someone who is a B blood type, can only give to someone who is B o...