How to Become a Living Liver Donor
I've had a few people ask me what the process is to be tested to be a donor for our baby's needed liver transplant due to his genetic condition of Ornithine Transcarbamylase Deficiency. I had posted a little bit about our meeting with the transplant team earlier, but not the actual application process. If you are interested in being a potential donor, you must be either O blood type, or possibly B blood type. Positive/negative doesn't matter. We are currently waiting on results to find out whether baby's blood type is O or B. If you are O, you can be a donor no matter what blood type the baby is. If baby turns out to be B blood type, then B blood types can also be donors. For other info, see the same link as above... Meeting With The Transplant Team. You will see that currently they would really only consider people under 150lbs. However, if you are bigger than this, and are still interested, please keep the thought... If baby grows well after birth, and p