Week Two at Toronto Sick Kids recap of Oct 31-Nov 6

In memory of our baby Kyle: Oct 24, 2011 - Nov 8, 2011. We had 15 days with him. This is a summary of week 2. If you havn't read my recap of Week One , read it first. Mike and our daughter left on Sunday night to go home, while I stayed in Toronto. I already had a hotel room booked at the Delta Chelsea for this week, since originally I was supposed to have baby on Nov 1st by planned induction and I had booked it as a place for Mike to be able to sleep for the first couple days before I would be discharged, and then for me to join him. The hospital and the hotel are only a block apart from each other which is really helpful. The weekend had been hard, as I described in the previous post, with dialysis lines inserted, dialysis started and stopped, and ammonia levels spiking high. They had also attached Kyle up to a fancy EEG machine over the Sunday and Monday for 48 hours to monitor for the potential of both convulsive and non-convulsive seizure activity from...